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Meister for SCA Board

I would like to introduce the Nominating Committee to Erin Meister an extraordinary person, whose nomination to the SCA Board should be given the high consideration that it deserves.


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 Ms Meister’s vision is, “to contribute to the specialty-coffee professional community and make high-quality coffee more accessible for all through education, communication, ethical traceability, support, promotion, enthusiasm, sticktoitiveness, boosterism, and openness of heart and mind.”

That is a tall order, and don’t let Meister’s diminutive stature fool you; this woman is up to the task she has chosen for herself. Erin’s remarkable breadth of experience includes many visits to coffee producing lands, work experience as a barista, barista trainer, coffee director, and wholesale salesperson of both green and roasted coffee for several of the strongest and most forward leaning companies in the trade, including Counter Culture, Joe Coffee Company NYC, and Café Imports makes her unique in her generation of specialty coffee. When not at her day job she has authored scores of articles on coffee subjects, and is the author of New York City Coffee: A Caffeinated History, published by Arcadia Publishing, 2017.

Erin has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows including The Martha Stewart Show, and The Leonard Lopate Show (NPR). Articles under her by-line have appeared in The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, Saveur, Food and Wine, and virtually all the media serving the coffee trade.

She’s quite a gal, and we would be remiss in our duty to the membership, and the trade if we did not avail ourselves of this young person’s spirit of enthusiasm, and her enormous font of knowledge, and profundity of experience.

This is the first time in the 33-years since I served on the SCAA Board that I have put forward a nominee for the Board, which alone should tell you something about the character, and quality of Erin Meister. Please give Erin Meister, a coffee person of distinction, the opportunity to serve by elevating her to a spot on the approved slate for a seat on the SCA Board.

Thank you for your consideration.

Donald Schoenholt

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