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In France where a coffee-maker is a Cafetiere, it is a Cafetière à Piston. It is called simply Cafetiere, a brand name in the UK, and likewise in high-tone US dining rooms where some still lift their pinky when sipping coffee. The folks call it a Coffee Press,[...]


In the time since Tea and Coffee published my article Cold Comfort in May 2011, which told the story of cold coffee beverages, a controversy over Iced coffee has been percolating. 


The following missive was sent by me to my friends Paul Katzeff, and Dan Cox, two gentlemen of coffee who were present at the birth of Specialty Coffee Association of America, have served multiple terms as the association’s president and have both been honored as Lifetime Achievement laureates by the trade.


Ted Lingle, and Paul Katzeff are two SCAA founders who have favored their fellow tradespeople with letters on the subject of merger during recent days. Both have an abiding affection for SCAA, having served as Presidents of the association and both have been honored as Lifetime Achievement laureates by the trade. 


In recent weeks there has been an ongoing discussion, which I had something to do with igniting, among Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) Past Presidents on the subject of the proposed consolidation of SCAA with the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE). 


 I don’t know if Leonard Nimoy was a coffee lover. Possibly not, but as I have been writing about globalization in recent months Mr. Nimoy, and his alter ego Mr. Spock keep coming to mind. I find myself remembering my youth in a coffee galaxy where the American small roaster community was within a hair’s breadth of disappearing.

10 Reasons 10 SCAA Presidents VOTE NO On Consolidation

This is Donald Schoenholt, co-founder of SCAA, and founder of Roasters Guild. By now you know that there is an SCAA and Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) consolidation vote scheduled for this coming week. I am writing to you for a group of 10 SCAA Past Presidents.

11 SCAA Presidents vote NO!

Unification means Bye Bye SCAA!

A Personal Message on Unification

A Personal Message on Unification from SCAA & Roasters Guild Founding Father, Donald Schoenholt.

A Personal Message on Unification

A Personal Message on Unification from SCAA & Roasters Guild Founding Father, Donald Schoenholt

The Curious Case of Mrs. Lamadrid

Before Karen Cebreros and Kimberly Easson, and the International Women’s Coffee Alliance; before Erna Knutsen, and even Alice Foote MacDougall, there were women in coffee. Among them in 19th Century New York was a woman of many parts, and not a little mystery.

Buying Green Coffee

The study of coffee futures as an investment vehicle is fascinating and the results can be treacherous for those who attempt to ride the tiger of this soft commodity market. I have seen many in the roasted and the green coffee business lose their footing and be overwhelmed in a market turn.
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